This is how Sully came to be...
"14 year old Sully is struggling at the shelter and needs out ASAP. Today, I found him standing, staring at the wall panting profusely because he is so stressed. Sully’s hind end and hips are weak from old age. He has a hard time getting around and when he tried to go through the door from the outside area of his kennel he fell to the floor. He’s not eating. Sully will not survive at the shelter! "
We read that and were off to get the old man and get him straight to the vet. What we found was horribly rotting teeth, as bad as they come. They started a dental procedure at closing time, 5 PM, and didn’t finish until 10 o’clock at night. They removed all the abscessed teeth and we are hopeful that all his problems were tied directly to those teeth: the bad eye on the left, the muscle wasting on the left temple, the growth underneath his chin extending down to his chest. Indeed that was the case. Sully is happy, healthy and eating like a pro. His favorite past-time is sleeping...sleeping...and more sleeping. Every once in a while he picks up a ball and throws it across the room. There's still a puppy in there somewhere. Sully started to decline in health in February 2023. We kept him going on prednisone but his body finally succumbed. I will miss my grumpy old man and bed buddy. He always wanted to sleep under my legs. I love you Sully!
DOB: 2009 | 10.20.2022 - 3.30.2023
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